What 极速赛车168开奖历史记录查询 is Pigeon?
What 168极速赛车75秒官网开奖平台 官网最新版 do campers and their parents think of Pigeon?

Fast & Secure Check-In and Check-Out
process by more than 80% in some cases – while also making the process actually feel good
for kids, parents and staff!

Adding Game Elements
Parents have 168极速赛车最新been开奖结果 motivating kids to work harder and get things done by turning work into a game for millennia.
Pigeon brings that concept to camps. With Pigeon, camps can “gamify” everything from attendance to attitude and everything in between.
Big achievements also tend to get shared by parents on social media which is likely to get even more kids off couches and into you next camp.

What’s going on at camp?
Pigeon delivers important information directly to parents through the myPigeon mobile app.
Whether it’s a big achievement or just knowing when they were checked-in or checked-out, keeping both parents informed makes everyone happy.

Camper dad, Little Dribblers Basketball camp
Next-level check-in and check-out experience.
Camper mom
Thank you for providing this service for my kiddo! My favorite thing is the notification on my phone of my daughter checking out from camp. So safe and secure. Plus, she loves counting her steps, pushing her to be more active:)
US Sports Camp Nike tennis camper
Pigeon can help track my progress throughout my camp experience so I can see my growth
Jen, Parent of Camper
I like how excited my son is about it! He thinks it's really cool and it motivates him to move more. This is an awesome way to motivate kids and get them to move more.
Amanda, Camper
I would choose a camp with Pigeon over one without because I really like having the data that shows hard hard I've worked. Now I can show my parents!
Kristina, Parent of Camper
I really like the check-in/out process and the step tracking because of the motivation it gives my kid. My kid tells me that the band is 'awesome'!
US Sports Camp Nike tennis camper
It is always useful to involve extra tech especially when it motivates us campers to work harder and achieve goals